Friday, November 30, 2012

QA versus QC

What is an ERROR, Fault and Failure ?


•Refers to the difference between actual output of a software and correct output.
•Also used to refer to the human action that results in software containing a fault.

•Fault is a condition that causes the system to fail in performing its required function.
•Synonymous with the commonly used term bug.

Failure is the inability of a system or component to perform a required function according to its specification

What is Verification & Validation?

•Verification activities focus upon ensuring that the product is being built right
•Validation activities focus upon ensuring that the right product is built
•Testing includes verification tests and validation tests

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Real Time example of Software Testing

Real Time example of Software Testing

As most of us know what is software testing how can we give real world example for software testing?

The Common question when it comes to Software Testing
1Why we need Testing? 
2What is testing?

What Software Testing is? A simple logic to understand the whole process consider our degree examination system

1) Degree examination dates are planned and published for the 1st semester with 5 exams.

2) Student prepares for the Examination

3) Obviously the student will be highly concentrate on the First Exam

4) The student goes to the examination hall and completes his First Exam.

So how does this fit into software testing

1) Degree examination dates are planned and published for the each semester with 5 exams.
Test Planning:
Covers what subjects are applicable for this semester. This plan is done earlier when the course starts.

Test Scheduling:
Examination Dates define the Schedule that is when and what to write
Duration of the Exam.
Marks distribution gives us the measurement for the task so increase the priority and severity

Test Environment:
Class room Allocation
Seat allocation
Supervisor allocation
Distribution of Question papers and Answer sheets

Testing Phase1:
Now the student knows what is the Schedule, Environment and what to Test.
The Student got all setup and starts his exam.
Plan the Exam where to start and where to end.
Gets additional resource that is additional answer sheet when required.
Writes the Exam and with the Question Paper as the Requirement and prepares his Answer sheet (Test Case) in sync with the Question Paper and submit exam paper.

Testing Phase2:
After completion of testing activities the Professor/lecturer will make an assessment (Test Execution) on the Answer sheet of the student and give his status. (UAT)

If the student passes his entire Exam he will be successful and will go to the next semester with a new task.

If the student fails any one of Exam still he will be able to go to the next semester with a pending task and the new task. Increase in the efforts

At the end of the degree the student has to go with Project where all the above mentioned steps are followed.

Here the student is assigned with a project where there is Guide (Project Manager) who will be involved until he completes the Project.

The submission of the Project for the review and corrections can be considered as the Defect cycle.

At the end of the degree if the the student is passed with a first class he will get a good Job the mission is accomplished.

If at the end of the degree the students fails to pass. So here comes the Effort, Schedule variance.

So is the Testing Activity and the Testing Process is involved every where in real life.

This is my own opinion about software testing. Please apologize me if i made any mapping wrong and correct me....

Testing Methodologies

Testing Architecture

What is Project Management?

Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing, managing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. A project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverable), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with business as usual (or operations), which are repetitive, permanent, or semi-permanent functional activities to produce products or services. In practice, the management of these two systems is often quite different, and as such requires the development of distinct technical skills and management strategies.

Source: Project_management

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Categories of Defect

1) Variance from Product Specification
2) Variance from User/customer expectation

When Software Defect Occurs?

1) The software doesn't do something that the product specification says it should.
2) The software does something that the product specification says it shouldn't do.

What is a Defect?

Defect is nothing but not meeting the intended customer requirement (Might be Functional or Non Functional). Also it is defined as variance from the described product attributes or even can put it in an equation format as

ER (Expected Result) not = AR(Actual Result)

Chapter 1: Software Testing

Software Testing is all the activities that are intended at discovering errors in a software product or its components in order to make sure that end-usage requirements of the customer are met.

  • Process of execution of a program with the intend of finding errors.
  • Process of exercising or evaluating the system component by manual or automated means to verify that it satisfies specified requirements. 
Testing is not only the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors it is also the process of improving the quality of the application.  Software Testing is a process of evaluating that the Software performs the intended functions correctly.

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Learn Software Testing

Coming Soon!

Learn Software Testing

Chapter 1
Software Testing
Categories & Defect
Objective of Testing
Good Test Engineer
Chapter 2
Quality Assurance
Quality Tool
Chapter 3
                Project Management
                Risk Management
                S/W Configuration Management
                Version and Release Management
                Testing Levels
                Testing Techniques
Chapter 4
                Verification and Validation
                Types of Review
                Test Level Criteria
Chapter 5
                Test Life Cycle
                Test Plan
                Test Case Design
                Defect Life Cycle

Software Testing

Testing Involves operation of a system or application under controlled conditions and evaluating the results. The controlled conditions will be a pack of the positive and the negative condition/scenarios. Software testing deliver quality software products and fulfills the documented user requirements and suggests the improvements for the quality of the product.

Software Testing Can we defined as the process of evaluating the system by manual or automatic means and verify it whether it complies with the user specification.

What is Software Testing?

Software Testing is all the activities that are intended at discovering errors in a software product or its components in order to make sure that end-usage requirements of the customer are met.

  • Process of execution of a program with the intend of finding errors.
  • Process of exercising or evaluating the system component by manual or automated means to verify that it satisfies specified requirements. 
Testing is not only the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors it is also the process of improving the quality of the application.  Software Testing is a process of evaluating that the Software performs the intended functions correctly.